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if ( ! class_exists( 'Tribe__Container' ) ) {
	 * Class Tribe__Container
	 * Tribe Dependency Injection Container.
	class Tribe__Container extends tad_DI52_Container {

		 * @var Tribe__Container
		protected static $instance;

		 * @return Tribe__Container
		public static function init() {
			if ( empty( self::$instance ) ) {
				self::$instance = new self();

			return self::$instance;

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_singleton' ) ) {
	 * Registers a class as a singleton.
	 * Each call to obtain an instance of this class made using the `tribe( $slug )` function
	 * will return the same instance; the instances are built just in time (if not passing an
	 * object instance or callback function) and on the first request.
	 * The container will call the class `__construct` method on the class (if not passing an object
	 * or a callback function) and will try to automagically resolve dependencies.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'tec.admin.class', 'Tribe__Admin__Class' );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // class is built here
	 *      tribe( 'tec.admin.class' )->doSomething();
	 * Need the class built immediately? Build it and register it:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'tec.admin.class', new Tribe__Admin__Class() );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      tribe( 'tec.admin.class' )->doSomething();
	 * Need a very custom way to build the class? Register a callback:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'tec.admin.class', array( Tribe__Admin__Class__Factory, 'make' ) );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      tribe( 'tec.admin.class' )->doSomething();
	 * Or register the methods that should be called on the object after its construction:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'tec.admin.class', 'Tribe__Admin__Class', array( 'hook', 'register' ) );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // the `hook` and `register` methods will be called on the built instance.
	 *      tribe( 'tec.admin.class' )->doSomething();
	 * The class will be built only once (if passing the class name or a callback function), stored
	 * and the same instance will be returned from that moment on.
	 * @param string                 $slug                The human-readable and catchy name of the class.
	 * @param string|object|callable $class               The full class name or an instance of the class
	 *                                                    or a callback that will return the instance of the class.
	 * @param array                  $after_build_methods An array of methods that should be called on
	 *                                                    the built object after the `__construct` method; the methods
	 *                                                    will be called only once after the singleton instance
	 *                                                    construction.
	function tribe_singleton( $slug, $class, array $after_build_methods = null ) {
		Tribe__Container::init()->singleton( $slug, $class, $after_build_methods );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_register' ) ) {
	 * Registers a class.
	 * Each call to obtain an instance of this class made using the `tribe( $slug )` function
	 * will return a new instance; the instances are built just in time (if not passing an
	 * object instance, in that case it will work as a singleton) and on the first request.
	 * The container will call the class `__construct` method on the class (if not passing an object
	 * or a callback function) and will try to automagically resolve dependencies.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_register( 'tec.some', 'Tribe__Some' );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // class is built here
	 *      $some_one = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 *      // $some_two !== $some_one
	 *      $some_two = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 * Need the class built immediately? Build it and register it:
	 *      tribe_register( 'tec.admin.class', new Tribe__Admin__Class() );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // $some_two === $some_one
	 *      // acts like a singleton
	 *      $some_one = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 *      $some_two = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 * Need a very custom way to build the class? Register a callback:
	 *      tribe_register( 'tec.some', array( Tribe__Some__Factory, 'make' ) );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // $some_two !== $some_one
	 *      $some_one = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 *      $some_two = tribe( 'tec.some' )->doSomething();
	 * Or register the methods that should be called on the object after its construction:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'tec.admin.class', 'Tribe__Admin__Class', array( 'hook', 'register' ) );
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      // the `hook` and `register` methods will be called on the built instance.
	 *      tribe( 'tec.admin.class' )->doSomething();
	 * @param string                 $slug                The human-readable and catchy name of the class.
	 * @param string|object|callable $class               The full class name or an instance of the class
	 *                                                    or a callback that will return the instance of the class.
	 * @param array                  $after_build_methods An array of methods that should be called on
	 *                                                    the built object after the `__construct` method; the methods
	 *                                                    will be called each time after the instance contstruction.
	function tribe_register( $slug, $class, array $after_build_methods = null ) {
		Tribe__Container::init()->bind( $slug, $class, $after_build_methods );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe' ) ) {
	 * Returns a ready to use instance of the requested class.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_singleton( 'common.main', 'Tribe__Main');
	 *      // some code later...
	 *      tribe( 'common.main' )->do_something();
	 * @param string|null $slug_or_class Either the slug of a binding previously registered using `tribe_singleton` or
	 *                                   `tribe_register` or the full class name that should be automagically created or
	 *                                   `null` to get the container instance itself.
	 * @return mixed|object|Tribe__Container The instance of the requested class. Please note that the cardinality of
	 *                                       the class is controlled registering it as a singleton using `tribe_singleton`
	 *                                       or `tribe_register`; if the `$slug_or_class` parameter is null then the
	 *                                       container itself will be returned.
	function tribe( $slug_or_class = null ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();

		return null === $slug_or_class ? $container : $container->make( $slug_or_class );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_set_var' ) ) {
	 * Registers a value under a slug in the container.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_set_var( 'tec.url', 'http://example.com' );
	 * @param string $slug  The human-readable and catchy name of the var.
	 * @param mixed  $value The variable value.
	function tribe_set_var( $slug, $value ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();
		$container->setVar( $slug, $value );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_get_var' ) ) {
	 * Returns the value of a registered variable.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_set_var( 'tec.url', 'http://example.com' );
	 *      $url = tribe_get_var( 'tec.url' );
	 * @param string $slug    The slug of the variable registered using `tribe_set_var`.
	 * @param null   $default The value that should be returned if the variable slug
	 *                        is not a registered one.
	 * @return mixed Either the registered value or the default value if the variable
	 *               is not registered.
	function tribe_get_var( $slug, $default = null ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();

		try {
			$var = $container->getVar( $slug );
		} catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
			return $default;

		return $var;

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_unset_var' ) ) {
	 * Returns the value of a registered variable.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_set_var( 'tec.url', 'http://example.com' );
	 *      tribe_unset_var( 'tec.url' );
	 * @since 4.11.0
	 * @param string $slug    The slug of the variable registered using `tribe_unset_var`.
	 * @return void
	function tribe_unset_var( $slug ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();
		try {
			$container->offsetUnset( $slug );
		} catch ( Exception $e ) {}

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_isset_var' ) ) {
	 * Returns the value of a registered variable.
	 * Example use:
	 *      tribe_set_var( 'tec.url', 'http://example.com' );
	 *      tribe_isset_var( 'tec.url' );
	 * @since 4.11.0
	 * @param  string   $slug    The slug of the variable checked using `tribe_isset_var`.
	 * @return boolean  Either a the given slug exists.
	function tribe_isset_var( $slug ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();
		return $container->offsetExists( $slug );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_register_provider' ) ) {
	 * Registers a service provider in the container.
	 * Service providers must implement the `tad_DI52_ServiceProviderInterface` interface or extend
	 * the `tad_DI52_ServiceProvider` class.
	 * @see tad_DI52_ServiceProvider
	 * @see tad_DI52_ServiceProviderInterface
	 * @param string $provider_class
	function tribe_register_provider( $provider_class ) {
		$container = Tribe__Container::init();

		$container->register( $provider_class );

	if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_callback' ) ) {
		 * Returns a lambda function suitable to use as a callback; when called the function will build the implementation
		 * bound to `$classOrInterface` and return the value of a call to `$method` method with the call arguments.
		 * @since  4.7
		 * @since  4.6.2  Included the $argsN params
		 * @param  string $slug       A class or interface fully qualified name or a string slug.
		 * @param  string $method     The method that should be called on the resolved implementation with the
		 *                            specified array arguments.
		 * @param  mixed  [$argsN]      (optional) Any number of arguments that will be passed down to the Callback
		 * @return callable A PHP Callable based on the Slug and Methods passed
		function tribe_callback( $slug, $method ) {
			$container = Tribe__Container::init();
			$arguments = func_get_args();
			$is_empty = 2 === count( $arguments );

			if ( $is_empty ) {
				$callable = $container->callback( $slug, $method );
			} else {
				$callback = $container->callback( 'callback', 'get' );
				$callable = call_user_func_array( $callback, $arguments );

			return $callable;

	if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_callback_return' ) ) {
		 * Returns a tribe_callback for a very simple Return value method
		 * Example of Usage:
		 *      add_filter( 'admin_title', tribe_callback_return( __( 'Ready to work.' ) ) );
		 * @since  4.6.2
		 * @param  mixed    $value  The value to be returned
		 * @return callable A PHP Callable based on the Slug and Methods passed
		function tribe_callback_return( $value ) {
			return tribe_callback( 'callback', 'return_value', $value );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0