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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb;

class pagination
	/** @var \phpbb\template\template */
	protected $template;

	/** @var \phpbb\user */
	protected $user;

	/** @var \phpbb\controller\helper */
	protected $helper;

	/** @var \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface */
	protected $phpbb_dispatcher;

	* Constructor
	* @param	\phpbb\template\template			$template
	* @param	\phpbb\user							$user
	* @param	\phpbb\controller\helper			$helper
	* @param	\phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface	$phpbb_dispatcher
	public function __construct(\phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\controller\helper $helper, \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher)
		$this->template = $template;
		$this->user = $user;
		$this->helper = $helper;
		$this->phpbb_dispatcher = $phpbb_dispatcher;

	* Generate a pagination link based on the url and the page information
	* @param string $base_url is url prepended to all links generated within the function
	*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, base_url should contains a placeholder (%d)
	*							for the page. Also be sure to specify the pagination path information into the start_name argument
	* @param string $on_page is the page for which we want to generate the link
	* @param string $start_name is the name of the parameter containing the first item of the given page (example: start=20)
	*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, start name should be the string
	*							that should be removed for the first page (example: /page/%d)
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. to display per page, used to determine the number of pages to produce
	* @return string URL for the requested page
	protected function generate_page_link($base_url, $on_page, $start_name, $per_page)
		// A listener can set this variable to the new pagination URL
		// to override the generate_page_link() function generated value
		$generate_page_link_override = false;

		* Execute code and/or override generate_page_link()
		* To override the generate_page_link() function generated value
		* set $generate_page_link_override to the new URL value
		* @event core.pagination_generate_page_link
		* @var string base_url is url prepended to all links generated within the function
		*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, base_url should contains a placeholder (%d)
		*							for the page. Also be sure to specify the pagination path information into the start_name argument
		* @var string on_page is the page for which we want to generate the link
		* @var string start_name is the name of the parameter containing the first item of the given page (example: start=20)
		*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, start name should be the string
		*							that should be removed for the first page (example: /page/%d)
		* @var int per_page the number of items, posts, etc. to display per page, used to determine the number of pages to produce
		* @var bool|string generate_page_link_override Shall we return custom pagination link (string URL) or not (false)
		* @since 3.1.0-RC5
		$vars = array('base_url', 'on_page', 'start_name', 'per_page', 'generate_page_link_override');
		extract($this->phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.pagination_generate_page_link', compact($vars)));

		if ($generate_page_link_override)
			return $generate_page_link_override;

		if (!is_string($base_url))
			if (is_array($base_url['routes']))
				$route = ($on_page > 1) ? $base_url['routes'][1] : $base_url['routes'][0];
				$route = $base_url['routes'];
			$params = (isset($base_url['params'])) ? $base_url['params'] : array();
			$is_amp = (isset($base_url['is_amp'])) ? $base_url['is_amp'] : true;
			$session_id = (isset($base_url['session_id'])) ? $base_url['session_id'] : false;

			if ($on_page > 1 || !is_array($base_url['routes']))
				$params[$start_name] = (int) $on_page;

			return $this->helper->route($route, $params, $is_amp, $session_id);
			$url_delim = (strpos($base_url, '?') === false) ? '?' : ((strpos($base_url, '?') === strlen($base_url) - 1) ? '' : '&amp;');
			return ($on_page > 1) ? $base_url . $url_delim . $start_name . '=' . (($on_page - 1) * $per_page) : $base_url;

	* Generate template rendered pagination
	* Allows full control of rendering of pagination with the template
	* @param string $base_url is url prepended to all links generated within the function
	*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, base_url should contains a placeholder (%d)
	*							for the page. Also be sure to specify the pagination path information into the start_name argument
	* @param string $block_var_name is the name assigned to the pagination data block within the template (example: <!-- BEGIN pagination -->)
	* @param string $start_name is the name of the parameter containing the first item of the given page (example: start=20)
	*							If you use page numbers inside your controller route, start name should be the string
	*							that should be removed for the first page (example: /page/%d)
	* @param int $num_items the total number of items, posts, etc., used to determine the number of pages to produce
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. to display per page, used to determine the number of pages to produce
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @param bool $reverse_count determines whether we weight display of the list towards the start (false) or end (true) of the list
	* @param bool $ignore_on_page decides whether we enable an active (unlinked) item, used primarily for embedded lists
	* @return null
	public function generate_template_pagination($base_url, $block_var_name, $start_name, $num_items, $per_page, $start = 1, $reverse_count = false, $ignore_on_page = false)
		if (empty($base_url))

		$total_pages = ceil($num_items / $per_page);
		$on_page = $this->get_on_page($per_page, $start);
		$u_previous_page = $u_next_page = '';

		if ($total_pages > 1)
			if ($reverse_count)
				$start_page = ($total_pages > 5) ? $total_pages - 4 : 1;
				$end_page = $total_pages;
				// What we're doing here is calculating what the "start" and "end" pages should be. We
				// do this by assuming pagination is "centered" around the currently active page with
				// the three previous and three next page links displayed. Anything more than that and
				// we display the ellipsis, likewise anything less.
				// $start_page is the page at which we start creating the list. When we have five or less
				// pages we start at page 1 since there will be no ellipsis displayed. Anymore than that
				// and we calculate the start based on the active page. This is the min/max calculation.
				// First (max) would we end up starting on a page less than 1? Next (min) would we end
				// up starting so close to the end that we'd not display our minimum number of pages.
				// $end_page is the last page in the list to display. Like $start_page we use a min/max to
				// determine this number. Again at most five pages? Then just display them all. More than
				// five and we first (min) determine whether we'd end up listing more pages than exist.
				// We then (max) ensure we're displaying the minimum number of pages.
				$start_page = ($total_pages > 5) ? min(max(1, $on_page - 2), $total_pages - 4) : 1;
				$end_page = ($total_pages > 5) ? max(min($total_pages, $on_page + 2), 5) : $total_pages;

			if ($on_page != 1)
				$u_previous_page = $this->generate_page_link($base_url, $on_page - 1, $start_name, $per_page);

				$this->template->assign_block_vars($block_var_name, array(
					'PAGE_NUMBER'	=> '',
					'PAGE_URL'		=> $u_previous_page,
					'S_IS_CURRENT'	=> false,
					'S_IS_PREV'		=> true,
					'S_IS_NEXT'		=> false,
					'S_IS_ELLIPSIS'	=> false,

			// This do...while exists purely to negate the need for start and end assign_block_vars, i.e.
			// to display the first and last page in the list plus any ellipsis. We use this loop to jump
			// around a little within the list depending on where we're starting (and ending).
			$at_page = 1;
				// We decide whether to display the ellipsis during the loop. The ellipsis is always
				// displayed as either the second or penultimate item in the list. So are we at either
				// of those points and of course do we even need to display it, i.e. is the list starting
				// on at least page 3 and ending three pages before the final item.
				$this->template->assign_block_vars($block_var_name, array(
					'PAGE_NUMBER'	=> $at_page,
					'PAGE_URL'		=> $this->generate_page_link($base_url, $at_page, $start_name, $per_page),
					'S_IS_CURRENT'	=> (!$ignore_on_page && $at_page == $on_page),
					'S_IS_NEXT'		=> false,
					'S_IS_PREV'		=> false,
					'S_IS_ELLIPSIS'	=> ($at_page == 2 && $start_page > 2) || ($at_page == $total_pages - 1 && $end_page < $total_pages - 1),

				// We may need to jump around in the list depending on whether we have or need to display
				// the ellipsis. Are we on page 2 and are we more than one page away from the start
				// of the list? Yes? Then we jump to the start of the list. Likewise are we at the end of
				// the list and are there more than two pages left in total? Yes? Then jump to the penultimate
				// page (so we can display the ellipsis next pass). Else, increment the counter and keep
				// going
				if ($at_page == 2 && $at_page < $start_page - 1)
					$at_page = $start_page;
				else if ($at_page == $end_page && $end_page < $total_pages - 1)
					$at_page = $total_pages - 1;
			while ($at_page <= $total_pages);

			if ($on_page != $total_pages)
				$u_next_page = $this->generate_page_link($base_url, $on_page + 1, $start_name, $per_page);

				$this->template->assign_block_vars($block_var_name, array(
					'PAGE_NUMBER'	=> '',
					'PAGE_URL'		=> $u_next_page,
					'S_IS_CURRENT'	=> false,
					'S_IS_PREV'		=> false,
					'S_IS_NEXT'		=> true,
					'S_IS_ELLIPSIS'	=> false,

		// If the block_var_name is a nested block, we will use the last (most
		// inner) block as a prefix for the template variables. If the last block
		// name is pagination, the prefix is empty. If the rest of the
		// block_var_name is not empty, we will modify the last row of that block
		// and add our pagination items.
		$tpl_block_name = $tpl_prefix = '';
		if (strrpos($block_var_name, '.') !== false)
			$tpl_block_name = substr($block_var_name, 0, strrpos($block_var_name, '.'));
			$tpl_prefix = strtoupper(substr($block_var_name, strrpos($block_var_name, '.') + 1));
			$tpl_prefix = strtoupper($block_var_name);
		$tpl_prefix = ($tpl_prefix == 'PAGINATION') ? '' : $tpl_prefix . '_';

		$template_array = array(
			$tpl_prefix . 'BASE_URL'		=> is_string($base_url) ? $base_url : '',//@todo: Fix this for routes
			$tpl_prefix . 'START_NAME'		=> $start_name,
			$tpl_prefix . 'PER_PAGE'		=> $per_page,
			'U_' . $tpl_prefix . 'PREVIOUS_PAGE'	=> ($on_page != 1) ? $u_previous_page : '',
			'U_' . $tpl_prefix . 'NEXT_PAGE'		=> ($on_page != $total_pages) ? $u_next_page : '',
			$tpl_prefix . 'TOTAL_PAGES'		=> $total_pages,
			$tpl_prefix . 'CURRENT_PAGE'	=> $on_page,
			$tpl_prefix . 'PAGE_NUMBER'		=> $this->on_page($num_items, $per_page, $start),

		if ($tpl_block_name)
			$this->template->alter_block_array($tpl_block_name, $template_array, true, 'change');

	* Get current page number
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. per page
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @return int	Current page number
	public function get_on_page($per_page, $start)
		return floor((int) $start / (int) $per_page) + 1;

	* Return current page
	* @param int $num_items the total number of items, posts, topics, etc.
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. per page
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @return string Descriptive pagination string (e.g. "page 1 of 10")
	public function on_page($num_items, $per_page, $start)
		$on_page = $this->get_on_page($per_page, $start);
		return $this->user->lang('PAGE_OF', $on_page, max(ceil($num_items / $per_page), 1));

	* Get current page number
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. per page
	* @param int $num_items the total number of items, posts, topics, etc.
	* @return int	Current page number
	public function validate_start($start, $per_page, $num_items)
		if ($start < 0 || $start >= $num_items)
			return ($start < 0 || $num_items <= 0) ? 0 : floor(($num_items - 1) / $per_page) * $per_page;

		return $start;

	* Get new start when searching from the end
	* If the user is trying to reach late pages, start searching from the end.
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @param int $limit the number of items, posts, etc. to display
	* @param int $num_items the total number of items, posts, topics, etc.
	* @return int	Current page number
	public function reverse_start($start, $limit, $num_items)
		return max(0, $num_items - $limit - $start);

	* Get new item limit when searching from the end
	* If the user is trying to reach late pages, start searching from the end.
	* In this case the items to display might be lower then the actual per_page setting.
	* @param int $start the item which should be considered currently active, used to determine the page we're on
	* @param int $per_page the number of items, posts, etc. per page
	* @param int $num_items the total number of items, posts, topics, etc.
	* @return int	Current page number
	public function reverse_limit($start, $per_page, $num_items)
		if ($start + $per_page > $num_items)
			return min($per_page, max(1, $num_items - $start));

		return $per_page;

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