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<title>Ragnar Sverrisson - Extreme drumming enthusiasm</title>
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    <td width="539" valign="top"><p>Ragnar Sverrisson (born September 21st, 1989) first picked up the sticks in March of 2001, then eleven years old. He started by joining a local rock group with some of his classmates, and quickly taught himself by listening to records and copying the beats.</p>
      <p>Later that year he sought a two week seminar for beginners in drumming held by one of the best Icelandic pop drummers, Ásgeir Óskarsson of Stuðmenn. Ragnar finished all of the material prepared for the seminar in just over a week, applied for one of the most respected Icelandic music schools, Tónlistarskóli FÍH, and was accepted in 2002. He remained there for six years, or until 2008 when he decided that he could not gain more from it.</p>
      <p>Ragnar started practising double bass and blastbeats in early 2006 and started drumming for Icelandic deathmetal band Diabolus. From their very first show they quickly gained a lot of attention for their skill in playing fast paced metal music, Ragnar being 16 at the time.</p>
      <p>A year later, in january 2007 Ragnar left Diabolus for Atrum, a very enthusiastic black/death metal band and with them he really stamped himself into the Icelandic metal scene as one of the fastest, most technical and versatile drummer in the scene at the time. In December 2007 he recorded his first full length album (Fortíð, Völuspá part III), due to come out in the fall of 2009, thus showing that he can be a quick and determined when it comes to session drumming.</p>
      <p>Atrum faded out in 2008 and in September he started drumming for Icelandic deathmetal band Beneath, wich remains his primary today. In January 2009 they recorded a four track promo, currently being sent to labels and magazines. On this promo, Ragnar shows that he has skills in metal drumming on a worldwide scale, drumming extremely fast (250+ bpm), but still keeping his spectacular approach to the music, wich is mixing in variations of all the different styles that he has studied, from jazz and funk elements to rock and roll.</p>
    <p>Ragnar has proved that he is very enthusiastic, an extremely quick learner, versatile, and very easy to work with. </p>      
    <p class="maintext">&nbsp;</p></td>
    <td width="150" valign="top"><p><a href="images/ragnarphoto1.jpg"><img src="images/ragnarphoto1t.jpg" alt="Ragnar" width="150" height="150" border="0" /></a></p>
      <p><a href="images/ragnarphoto2.jpg"><img src="images/ragnarphoto2t.jpg" width="150" height="150" border="0" /></a></p>
    <p><a href="images/ragnarphoto3.jpg"><img src="images/ragnarphoto3t.jpg" alt="Ragnar" width="150" height="150" border="0" /></a></p></td>

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