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///  phpThumb() by James Heinrich <info@silisoftware.com>   //
//        available at http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net     ///
///                                                         //
//       This code is released under the GNU GPL:           //
//         http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html             //
//                                                          //
//    +-----------------------------------------------+     //
//    | phpThumb() is free to use according to the    |     //
//    | terms of the GPL. Donations also gratefully   |     //
//    | GPL FAQ: http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html |     //
//    |                                               |     //
//    | Donations are gratefully accepted from happy  |     //
//    | users :)  See http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net |     //
//    |                                               |     //
//    | If you like phpThumb(), please consider       |     //
//    | writing a review at HotScripts.com:           |     //
//    | http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/25654.html |     //
//    |                                               |     //
//    | If you do use this code somewhere, send me    |     //
//    | an email and tell me how/where you used it.   |     //
//    +-----------------------------------------------+     //
//                                                         ///


phpThumb() uses the GD library to create thumbnails from
images (GIF, PNG or JPEG) on the fly. The output size is
configurable (can be larger or smaller than the source),
and the source may be the entire image or only a portion
of the original image. True color and resampling is used
if GD v2.0+ is available, otherwise low-color and simple
resizing is used. Source image can be a physical file on
the server or can be retrieved from a database. GIFs are
supported on all versions of GD even if GD does not have
native GIF support thanks to the GIFutil class by Fabien
Ezber. AntiHotlinking feature prevents other people from
using your server to resize their thumbnails, or link to
your  images  from  another  server.  The  cache feature
reduces server load.


First, read this file.
Then read phpthumb.faq.txt
Then run /demo/phpThumb.demo.check.php
If you still think it's a bug, or can't figure it out,
please go to http://support.silisoftware.com


Call phpThumb() just like you would a normal image.
 <IMG SRC="phpThumb.php?src=/image.jpg&w=100">
 <IMG SRC="phpThumb.php?src=http://example.com/foo.jpg">
See the "demo" link on http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net
for more usage examples). Parameters that can be passed
are listed below under "URL Parameters".

NOTE: It's recommended you use the local image filename
wherever possible (rather than http://) because performance
is much better, less (or no) use of temp files, and the
last-modified check for cached files doesn't work for
remote files.

To access files over a LAN with Windows share names you
must use the network name (or IP) and not a mapped drive
name, for example:
  //othercomputer/file.jpg - good
  // - good
  z:/file.jpg - won't work
This is a PHP limitation (see www.php.net/file-exists)
Note: you may want to use "/" slashes instead of "\" if
you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled to avoid stripslashes
problems, although either slash should work if
magic_quotes_gpc is disabled

Alternate PATH_INFO-style Usage:

phpThumb.php can also be called by passing parameters not
after the usual "?" but like this:
For example:

<image> must be the last item. Dimensions must be the second-
last item. As many key/value pairs for parameters can be
passed before those last two items, with each pair joined by
equals ("=") and seperated by semicolon (";")

Calling as an object (not using phpThumb.php):

NOTE: most people don't need to and should not do this.
If you just want to display resized images, please just
use phpThumb.php, not the object mode. To render output
to one (or more) files instead of the browser, you should
skip phpThumb.php and instantiate your own object. Please
take a look at /demo/phpThumb.demo.object.php for details.

Note: phpThumb.php is where the caching code is located, if
  you instantiate your own phpThumb() object that code is
  bypassed and it's up to you to handle the reading and
  writing of cached files.


There are some configuration options you may (but are
not required to) change. Most configuration options can
be set when you call phpThumb() - see list below), but
default configuration options (such as cache directory)
are in phpThumb.config.php - this is the only file you
should ever modify.

The configuration file is distributed as
phpThumb.config.php.default to prevent accidental
overwriting of old configuration settings. Please
migrate your old settings to the new file (if upgrading),
or delete your old config and rename the default to

The amount of memory required for phpThumb depends on
several factors: the dimensions of the source image,
the dimensions of the output image, whether unsharp
masking is applied, whether watermarks are applied, etc.
The auto-detection of memory limits works as a general
"safe" value. You may be able to exceed the auto value
by a small or large amount, depending on whether you
apply watermarks and/or sharpening, and the output size
of your thumbnails. I do not currently have a reliable
formula for calculating such things, but I will attempt
to craft one for future versions of phpThumb(). Until
then, set "max_source_pixels" in phpThumb.config.php to a
value that works well for you (or leave it alone if the
defaults give you no problems).

The configuration options you should maybe modify are:
* cache_directory - thumbnailing is slow and processor-
    intensive. Enabling caching will dramatically speed
    up future thumbnail serving
* max_source_pixels - This should be auto-detected, but
    if auto-detection fails and you get an invalid image
    from large source images, set this to about 20% of
    your available PHP memory limit.
* imagemagick_path - If the source image is larger than
    max_source_pixels allows, but ImageMagick is available
    phpThumb() will use it to generate the thumbnail.

Note: High-Security mode is recommended enabled if possible.
  Set $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['high_security_enabled'] in
  phpThumb.config.php to enable it. Each call to phpThumb
  needs to be made through the function supplied at the
  bottom of phpThumb.config.php which create the hash:
    echo '<img src="'.phpThumbURL('src=pic.jpg&w=50').'">';


 src = filename of source image
 new = create new image, not thumbnail of existing image.
       Requires "w" and "h" parameters set.
       [ex: &new=FF0000|75] - red background, 75% opacity
       Set to hex color string of background. Opacity is
       optional (defaults to 100% opaque).
   w = max width of output thumbnail in pixels
   h = max height of output thumbnail in pixels
  wp = max width for portrait images
  hp = max height for portrait images
  wl = max width for landscape images
  hl = max height for landscape images
  ws = max width for square images
  hs = max height for square images
   f = output image format ("jpeg", "png", or "gif")
   q = JPEG compression (1=worst, 95=best, 75=default)
  sx = left side of source rectangle (default = 0)
       (values 0 < sx < 1 represent percentage)
  sy = top side of source rectangle (default = 0)
       (values 0 < sy < 1 represent percentage)
  sw = width of source rectangle (default = fullwidth)
       (values 0 < sw < 1 represent percentage)
  sh = height of source rectangle (default = fullheight)
       (values 0 < sh < 1 represent percentage)
  zc = zoom-crop. Will auto-crop off the larger dimension
       so that the image will fill the smaller dimension
       (requires both "w" and "h", overrides "iar", "far")
       Set to "1" or "C" to zoom-crop towards the center,
       or set to "T", "B", "L", "R", "TL", "TR", "BL", "BR"
       to gravitate towards top/left/bottom/right directions
       (requies ImageMagick for values other than "C" or "1")
  bg = background hex color (default = FFFFFF)
  bc = border hex color (default = 000000)
fltr = filter system. Call as an array as follows:
       - "brit" (Brightness) [ex: &fltr[]=brit|<value>]
         where <value> is the amount +/- to adjust brightness
         (range -255 to 255)
         Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.
       - "cont" (Constrast) [ex: &fltr[]=cont|<value>]
         where <value> is the amount +/- to adjust contrast
         (range -255 to 255)
         Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.
       - "gam" (Gamma Correction) [ex: &fltr[]=gam|<value>]
         where <value> can be a number >0 to 10+ (default 1.0)
         Must be >0 (zero gives no effect). There is no max,
         although beyond 10 is pretty useless. Negative
         numbers actually do something, maybe not quite the
         desired effect, but interesting nonetheless.
       - "sat" (SATuration) [ex: &fltr[]=sat|<value>]
         where <value> is a number between zero (no change)
         and -100 (complete desaturation = grayscale), or it
         can be any positive number for increased saturation.
       - "ds" (DeSaturate) [ex: &fltr[]=ds|<value>]
         is an alias for "sat" except values are inverted
         (positive values remove color, negative values boost
       - "gray" (Grayscale) [ex: &fltr[]=gray]
         remove all color from image, make it grayscale
       - "th" (Threshold) [ex: &fltr[]=th|<value>]
         makes image greyscale, then sets all pixels brighter
         than <value> (range 0-255) to white, and all pixels
         darker than <value> to black
       - "rcd" (Reduce Color Depth) [ex: &fltr[]=rcd|<c>|<d>]
         where <c> is the number of colors (2-256) you want
         in the output image, and <d> is "1" for dithering
         (deault) or "0" for no dithering
       - "clr" (Colorize) [ex: &fltr[]=clr|<value>|<color>]
         where <value> is a number between 0 and 100 for the
         amount of colorization, and <color> is the hex color
         to colorize to.
       - "sep" (Sepia) [ex: &fltr[]=sep|<value>|<color>]
         where <value> is a number between 0 and 100 for the
         amount of colorization (default=50), and <color> is
         the hex color to colorize to (default=A28065).
         Note: this behaves differently when applied by
         ImageMagick, in which case 80 is default, and lower
         values give brighter/yellower images and higher
         values give darker/bluer images
       - "usm" (UnSharpMask) [ex: &fltr[]=usm|<a>|<r>|<t>]
         where <a> is the amount (default = 80), <r> is the
         radius (default = 0.5), <t> is the threshold
         (default = 3).
       - "blur" (Blur) [ex: &fltr[]=blur|<radius>]
         where (0 < <radius> < 25) (default = 1)
       - "gblr" (Gaussian Blur) [ex: &fltr[]=gblr]
         Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.
       - "sblr" (Selective Blur) [ex: &fltr[]=gblr]
         Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.
       - "smth" (Smooth) [ex: &fltr[]=smth|<value>]
         where <value> is the weighting value for the matrix
         (range -10 to 10, default 6)
         Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.
       - "lvl" (Levels)
         [ex: &fltr[]=lvl|<channel>|<method>|<threshold>
         where <channel> can be one of 'r', 'g', 'b', 'a' (for
         Red, Green, Blue, Alpha respectively), or '*' for all
         RGB channels (default) based on grayscale average.
         ImageMagick methods can support multiple channels
         (eg "lvl|rg|3") but internal methods cannot (they will
         use first character of channel string as channel)
         <method> can be one of:
         0=Internal RGB;
         1=Internal Grayscale;
         2=ImageMagick Contrast-Stretch (default)
         3=ImageMagick Normalize (may appear over-saturated)
         <threshold> is how much of brightest/darkest pixels
         will be clipped in percent (default = 0.1%)
         Using default parameters (&fltr[]=lvl) is similar to
         Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.
       - "wb" (White Balance) [ex: &fltr[]=wb|<c>]
         where <c> is the target hex color to white balance
         on, this color is what "should be" white, or light
         gray. The filter attempts to maintain brightness so
         any gray color can theoretically be used. If <c> is
         omitted the filter guesses based on brightest pixels
         in each of RGB
         OR <c> can be the percent of white clipping used
         to calculate auto-white-balance (default = 0.1%)
         NOTE: "wb" in default settings already gives an effect
         similar to "lvl", there is usually no need to use "lvl"
         if "wb" is already used.
       - "hist" (Histogram)
         [ex: &fltr[]=hist|<b>|<c>|<w>|<h>|<a>|<o>|<x>|<y>]
         Where <b> is the color band(s) to display, from back
         to front (one or more of "rgba*" for Red Green Blue
         Alpha and Grayscale respectively);
         <c> is a semicolon-seperated list of hex colors to
         use for each graph band (defaults to FF0000, 00FF00,
         0000FF, 999999, FFFFFF respectively);
         <w> and <h> are the width and height of the overlaid
         histogram in pixels, or if <= 1 then percentage of
         source image width/height;
         <a> is the alignment (same as for "wmi" and "wmt");
         <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)
             (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque);
         <x> and <y> are the edge margin in pixels (or percent
             if 0 < (x|y) < 1)
       - "over" (OVERlay/underlay image) overlays an image on
         the thumbnail, or overlays the thumbnail on another
         image (to create a picture frame for example)
         [ex: &fltr[]=over|<i>|<u>|<m>|<o>]
         where <i> is the image filename; <u> is "0" (default)
         for overlay the image on top of the thumbnail or "1"
         for overlay the thumbnail on top of the image; <m> is
         the margin - can be absolute pixels, or if < 1 is a
         percentage of the thumbnail size [must be < 0.5]
         (default is 0 for overlay and 10% for underlay);
         <o> is opacity (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque)
             (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque);
         (thanks raynerape�gmail*com, shabazz3�msu*edu)
       - "wmi" (WaterMarkImage)
         [ex: &fltr[]=wmi|<f>|<a>|<o>|<x>|<y>|<r>] where
         <f> is the filename of the image to overlay;
         <a> is the alignment (one of BR, BL, TR, TL, C,
             R, L, T, B, *) where B=bottom, T=top, L=left,
             R=right, C=centre, *=tile)
             an absolute position in pixels (from top-left
             corner of canvas to top-left corner of overlay)
             in format {xoffset}x{yoffset} (eg: "10x20")
             note: this is center position of image if <x>
             and <y> are set
         <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)
             (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque);
         <x> and <y> are the edge (and inter-tile) margin in
             pixels (or percent if 0 < (x|y) < 1)
             if <a> is absolute-position format then <x> and
             <y> represent maximum width and height that the
             watermark image will be scaled to fit inside
         <r> is rotation angle of overlaid watermark
       - "wmt" (WaterMarkText)
         [ex: &fltr[]=wmt|<t>|<s>|<a>|<c>|<f>|<o>|<m>|<n>|<b>|<O>|<x>]
         <t> is the text to use as a watermark;
             URLencoded Unicode HTMLentities must be used for
               characters beyond chr(127). For example, the
               "eighth note" character (U+266A) is represented
               as "&#9834;" and then urlencoded to "%26%239834%3B"
             Any instance of metacharacters will be replaced
             with their calculated value. Currently supported:
               ^Fb = source image filesize in bytes
               ^Fk = source image filesize in kilobytes
               ^Fm = source image filesize in megabytes
               ^X  = source image width in pixels
               ^Y  = source image height in pixels
               ^x  = thumbnail width in pixels
               ^y  = thumbnail height in pixels
               ^^  = the character ^
         <s> is the font size (1-5 for built-in font, or point
             size for TrueType fonts);
         <a> is the alignment (one of BR, BL, TR, TL, C, R, L,
             T, B, * where B=bottom, T=top, L=left, R=right,
             C=centre, *=tile);
             note: * does not work for built-in font "wmt"
             an absolute position in pixels (from top-left
             corner of canvas to top-left corner of overlay)
             in format {xoffset}x{yoffset} (eg: "10x20")
         <c> is the hex color of the text;
         <f> is the filename of the TTF file (optional, if
             omitted a built-in font will be used);
         <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)
             (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque);
         <m> is the edge (and inter-tile) margin in percent;
         <n> is the angle
         <b> is the hex color of the background;
         <O> is background opacity from 0 (transparent) to
             100 (opaque)
             (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque);
         <x> is the direction(s) in which the background is
             extended (either 'x' or 'y' (or both, but both
             will obscure entire image))
             Note: works with TTF fonts only, not built-in
       - "flip" [ex: &fltr[]=flip|x   or   &fltr[]=flip|y]
         flip image on X or Y axis
       - "ric" [ex: &fltr[]=ric|<x>|<y>]
         rounds off the corners of the image (to transparent
         for PNG output), where <x> is the horizontal radius
         of the curve and <y> is the vertical radius
       - "elip" [ex: &fltr[]=elip]
         similar to rounded corners but more extreme
       - "mask" [ex: &fltr[]=mask|filename.png]
         greyscale values of mask are applied as the alpha
         channel to the main image. White is opaque, black
         is transparent.
       - "bvl" (BeVeL) [ex: &fltr[]=bvl|<w>|<c1>|<c2>]
         where <w> is the bevel width, <c1> is the hex color
         for the top and left shading, <c2> is the hex color
         for the bottom and right shading
       - "bord" (BORDer) [ex: &fltr[]=bord|<w>|<rx>|<ry>|<c>
         where <w> is the width in pixels, <rx> and <ry> are
         horizontal and vertical radii for rounded corners,
         and <c> is the hex color of the border
       - "fram" (FRAMe) draws a frame, similar to "bord" but
         more configurable
         [ex: &fltr[]=fram|<w1>|<w2>|<c1>|<c2>|<c3>]
         where <w1> is the width of the main border, <w2> is
         the width of each side of the bevel part, <c1> is the
         hex color of the main border, <c2> is the highlight
         bevel color, <c3> is the shadow bevel color
       - "drop" (DROP shadow)
         [ex: &fltr[]=drop|<d>|<w>|<clr>|<a>]
         where <d> is distance from image to shadow, <w> is
         width of shadow fade (not yet implemented), <clr> is
         the hex color of the shadow, and <a> is the angle of
         the shadow (default=225)
       - "crop" (CROP image)
         [ex: &fltr[]=crop|<l>|<r>|<t>|<b>]
         where <l> is the number of pixels to crop from the left
         side of the resized image; <r>, <t>, <b> are for right,
         top and bottom respectively. Where (0 < x < 1) the
         value will be used as a percentage of width/height.
         Left and top crops take precedence over right and
         bottom values. Cropping will be limited such that at
         least 1 pixel of width and height always remains.
       - "rot" (ROTate)
         [ex: &fltr[]=rot|<a>|<b>]
         where <a> is the rotation angle in degrees; <b> is the
         background hex color. Similar to regular "ra" parameter
         but is applied in filter order after regular processing
         so you can rotate output of other filters.
       - "size" (reSIZE)
         [ex: &fltr[]=size|<x>|<y>|<s>]
         where <x> is the horizontal dimension in pixels, <y> is
         the vertical dimension in pixels, <s> is boolean whether
         to stretch (if 1) or resize proportionately (0, default)
         <x> and <y> will be interpreted as percentage of current
         output image size if values are (0 < X < 1)
         NOTE: do NOT use this filter unless absolutely neccesary.
         It is only provided for cases where other filters need to
         have absolute positioning based on source image and the
         resultant image should be resized after other filters are
         applied. This filter is less efficient than the standard
         resizing procedures.
       - "stc" (Source Transparent Color)
         [ex: &fltr[]=stc|<c>|<n>|<x>]
         where <c> is the hex color of the target color to be made
         transparent; <n> is the minimum threshold in percent (all
         pixels within <n>% of the target color will be 100%
         transparent, default <n>=5); <x> is the maximum threshold
         in percent (all pixels more than <x>% from the target
         color will be 100% opaque, default <x>=10); pixels between
         the two thresholds will be partially transparent.
md5s = MD5 hash of the source image -- if this parameter is
       passed with the hash of the source image then the
       source image is not checked for existance or
       modification and the cached file is used (if
       available). If 'md5s' is passed an empty string then
       phpThumb.php dies and outputs the correct MD5 hash
       value.  This parameter is the single-file equivalent
       of 'cache_source_filemtime_ignore_*' configuration
 xto = EXIF Thumbnail Only - set to only extract EXIF
       thumbnail and not do any additional processing
  ra = Rotate by Angle: angle of rotation in degrees
       positive = counterclockwise, negative = clockwise
  ar = Auto Rotate: set to "x" to use EXIF orientation
       stored by camera. Can also be set to "l" or "L"
       for landscape, or "p" or "P" for portrait. "l"
       and "P" rotate the image clockwise, "L" and "p"
       rotate the image counter-clockwise.
 sfn = Source Frame Number - use this frame/page number for
       multi-frame/multi-page source images (GIF, TIFF, etc)
 aoe = Output Allow Enlarging - override the setting for
       $CONFIG['output_allow_enlarging'] (1=on, 0=off)
       ("far" and "iar" both override this and allow output
       larger than input)
 iar = Ignore Aspect Ratio - disable proportional resizing
       and stretch image to fit "h" & "w" (which must both
       be set).  (1=on, 0=off)  (overrides "far")
 far = Force Aspect Ratio - image will be created at size
       specified by "w" and "h" (which must both be set).
       Alignment: L=left,R=right,T=top,B=bottom,C=center
       BL,BR,TL,TR use the appropriate direction if the
       image is landscape or portrait.
 dpi = Dots Per Inch - input DPI setting when importing from
       vector image format such as PDF, WMF, etc
 sia = Save Image As - default filename to save generated
       image as. Specify the base filename, the extension
       (eg: ".png") will be automatically added
maxb = MAXimum Byte size - output quality is auto-set to
       fit thumbnail into "maxb" bytes  (compression
       quality is adjusted for JPEG, bit depth is adjusted
       for PNG and GIF)
down = filename to save image to. If this is set the
       browser will prompt to save to this filename rather
       than display the image

// Deprecated:
file = if set then thumbnail will be rendered to this
       filename, not output and not cached.
       (Deprecated. Disabled by default since v1.6.0,
       unavailable in v1.7.5 and later. You should
       instantiate your own object instead)
goto = URL to redirect to after rendering image to file
       * Must begin with "http://"
       * Requires file parameter set
       (Deprecated. Disabled by default since v1.6.0,
       unavailable in v1.7.5 and later. You should
       instantiate your own object instead)
 err = custom error image filename instead of showing
       error messages (for use on production sites)
       (Deprecated. Disabled by default since v1.6.0,
       unavailable in v1.7.5 and later. You should
       instantiate your own object instead)

General Notes:

* Always use the local image filename wherever possible
  rather than a full http:// URL because performance is
  much better, less (or no) use of temp files, and the
  last-modified check for cached files doesn't work for
  remote files. For example:
   good: phpThumb.php?src=/images/nicepic.jpg
    bad: phpThumb.php?src=/home/httpd/example/images/nicepic.jpg
  worse: phpThumb.php?src=http://example.com/images/nicepic.jpg

* Thumbnails will be scaled proportionately to fit in a
  box of at most (width * height) pixels
  (unless "iar" is set)

* Thumbnail caching for URL or database sources requires
  an absolute directory name for $config_cache_directory
  Physical file cached thumbnails will be recreated if
  the source file changes, but remote/database files
  cannot (modification time isn't readily available)

* If you need a GUI interface to phpThumb(), or for a user
  to specify crop settings, or something like that please
  see the list of known programs in /demo/readme.demos.txt

* Cropping images can be specified with either exact pixel
  values for sx/sy/sw/sh parameters, or if those are set
  to a value >0 and <1 then these are interpreted as a
  percentage of the source image width/height. For example,
  to crop 25% off all sides, you would specify parameters:

* phpThumb() may have tempfile access issues on servers
  where Safe Mode is enabled, specificly when accessing
  a file over HTTP, or when a non-bundled version of GD
  is in use. Specifying "config_temp_directory" may help

* Properly resolving /~user/ style filenames requires
  apache_lookup_uri(), which is missing or broken in
  Apache2, or if PHP is not installed as an Apache module.
  phpThumb() does try and work around this if it is
  unavailble, but you may have to specify a full filename
  for "src" if you encounter problems.

* phpThumb() should work with PHP v4.0.6+, but seems to
   have a few quirks before v4.1.0
  EXIF thumbnail extraction requires PHP v4.2.0+
  Image rotation requires PHP v4.3.0+. There have been
    reports of problems with PHP older than v4.3.3
  Partial transparency for overlays requires PHP v4.3.2+
  Some image filters require PHP v5.0.0+
  Run /demo/phpThumb.demo.check.php to examine your server

* phpThumb() works better and faster when ImageMagick is
  available. Most functions will work with only GD2, but
  speed is much faster with ImageMagick, and much larger
  images can be processed with ImageMagick than GD.

* phpThumb() works with GD v1.x, but works better with
   GD v2.0+ because of the true-color image support
   and ImageCopyResampled(). Also, there appears to be a
   bug in ImageCopyResized() which is used with GD v1.x
   where the bottom and/or right line of pixels is set
   to the background color (due to a rounding error?)
  NOTE: Please use the bundled version of GD if at all
   possible (with PHP v4.3.0+) because the non-bundled
   version has bugs which may cause PHP to crash:
   * http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21518
   * http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=24174
   phpThumb() has a workaround for the above bug but
   there may be other bugs, and the workaround is slow.
  Alpha transparent output requires GD >= 2.0.1 and
   PHP >= 4.3.2
  Most (if not all) filters require GD v2.x to function
   at all. But many filters can be handled by ImageMagick
   instead of GD.

* Filters handled by ImageMagick or GD:
  - brit;cont;ds;sat;gray;clr;sep;gam;neg;th;rcd;flip;edge;
* Filters handled only by ImageMagick:
  - none yet
* Filters handled only by GD + PHP5:
  - sblr;mean;smth;
* Filters handled only by GD2:
  - bvl;wmi;wmt;over;hist;fram;drop;mask;elip;ric;bord;

* Some browsers, notably Internet Explorer (before v7.0),
  have problems with PNG transparency. See description:
  There are some work-around fixes for this IE problem, eg:

Thanks & Links:

* Original image used in phpThumb logo provided by
  Mark James: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/

== phpThumb Commercial License (pTCL) ==

See /docs/phpthumb.license.commercial.txt
for details on the terms of the license.

Current list of pTCL licensees:

1) Accomplish Hosting, LLC
   effective 2007-Apr-28 (lifetime license)

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0